Welcome to lovellslovelyworld
Thank you for reading my books or stumbling across my official blog and website! This is where you can find my art, more information about my books, plots, and about me! If you care to stick around, I'd appreciate it have a wonderful day!
High school projects
Some early drawings for LLW when I was still in high school.
Book lore.
more information about my books and journal entries to help understand my books better!
Everything In order
Books in order
Book links
The links to all LLW books
Frequently Asked Questions
"I love how it all connects smoothly and the smallest things connect to each other and you don't even think it would have a connection to anything, I love how deep and intriguing the lore is."
Contact us
For inquiries or to discuss your art needs, feel free to reach out to us.
Hope you enjoyed your stay!
About Me.
Hello! you can call me JI, I'm the writer for LLW and to be honest I created LLW or Lovells Lovely world in 3 different manic episodes and were here now. I'm proud of the creation I've made and the different connections and thoughts I've put into this project. Now I have a website, Art, and a place to put lore out and my book out in the world. Please keep in mind this is being designed, written, edited, and drawn by a 17-year-old in High school. Please be kind. Have a great day!